Sunday, October 28, 2012


when your home is 500 square feet, you have to get creative with organization.

currently trying these wine crates, generously given to me by my aunt, to help store things... i'm trying to figure out what else will go well on those slanted shelves.

[note the "creative brain juice," aka wine (a la Frick and Frack Scraps), in the bottom right area of my "art storage unit..."]

any other ideas? I need vertical, easily accessible storage, but my walls are mostly plaster and hanging heavy shelving units on them doesn't work.

the creative process: how much love

"and whatever you do, do it with a smile... for it is not what you do, but with how much love you do it."
-mother teresa

recycled grocery bags, old book pages, acrylic on watercolor paper, painted vintage wooden frame, and ink pen.

all photographs and content by ann howell brown, 2012

vintage books

my school library was cleaning out, and had stacks and stacks of old books to give away... i adopted this book with incredible art, and it lives with my beloved succulent on my coffee table now. 

the pictures are so whimsical and chic, and remind me of something french children would have on their nursery bookshelves. :)

fall leaves

i cannot tell you how happy this bright orange tree makes me every time i see it out my window. 

heart shoe clips

i recently got these to add some sparkle to an upcoming wedding outfit... and i wish i had been blingin' way sooner! i wonder if they'll improve my dance moves... 


the cotton is turning!

spotted fields and fields of it that i never even knew existed on my way home from school! 

cotton is kind of sneaky; you don't know it's there and then suddenly it looks like it's been snowing...

the creative process: star bright

brown grocery bags, vintage book pages, glitter, and stars. 

all photographs and content by ann howell brown, 2012